About Talia…

Talia is an individual and couples counselor who has been in practice for almost 20 years. She is an author, contributor and speaker on the topics of mental health and wellness, as well as a relationship and marriage expert.

She assists individuals and couples with recognizing and healing intergenerational trauma, and trauma bonds. When unaware of these underlying contributors to discord, faulty and unhealthy familial dynamics are just passed along the family bloodline, mostly as unhealed inner childhood wounds. These show up in our relationships and our interactions with others, and limit the successes of our closest bonds.

Engaging with new methods of communication and partaking in loving interactions is a learned behavior. Since most of us did not come from homes where that level of input was modeled and taught to us, we must learn it for ourselves as adults. As it is crucial for the love, empathy and compassion within a relationship to blossom and really take hold.